Self-Improvement and Coaching as a life skill (SICALS)
Erasmus Plus Program KA105: 2020-2-CY02-KA105-001834
Self-Improvement and Coaching as a life skill (SICALS)
Training of Youth Workers: 22 to 31 of October 2021

Summary of the project
Aim of this project is the development professional of 32 Youth Workers (27 participants + 3 trainers + 2 participants which are going to help in all details of the activity) from 9 different countries, to train them how to develop a coaching approach through non formal educations methods that they can use at their daily youth work to help youngsters developing skills to increase their employ-ability and confidence implementing these methods. Knowing that after Coronavirus Crisis all these will be extended even more we decided to carry this project now instead of our application that we were considering to put on October due to the fact that we want to place the training early January o all of us to be ready for the new year with new aims and targets after the training.
The aim will be completed regarding at all these aims that we put as priorities in our life project as we design it:
To train Youth Workers to improve the quality development of their youth work at a community level and thus help youngsters develop skills to increase their employ-ability and confidence implementing these methods.
To teach participant what is coaching and how to apply it in youth work, by building the necessary set of competences of NFE and Coaching Methods/Tools
To strengthen the learning process by implementing the full Coaching Cycle in the debriefings: Set Goals, Identify New Possibilities, Make Decisions,Take Actions and Reflect;
To train Youth workers how to implement high-quality workshop about coaching which will increase youth employ-ability by giving them necessary skills and competence and which will increase their active citizenship, including Youngsters with fewer opportunities;
To implement the use of modern technologies (apps and digital tools) in the training and motivate Youth Workers to do the same; Relevance of the project for Erasmus +: -Improving the key competencies and skills of young people; Including PAXs with fewer opportunities;
To promote participation and active citizenship in European labor market;
To increase learning mobility opportunities for young people active in youth work;
With the above aims that we want to succeed we want to give to youth workers skills for coaching and self improvement which are going to be skills for their whole life.
Solving the needs of the participants can increase the effectiveness of the participating organizations, which together can be a way of solving the needs identified at community level. There is evidence that youth who participate in life coaching programs experience multiple benefits to their health, social and emotional well-being as well as their academic success. According to ICF coaching is "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential".
To sum up, the project primarily aims to reduce unemployment by promoting self-improvement and EQ through coaching and by training the participants who will then coach young people in their countries. By reaching this objective, the project will be a small contribution to the decrease of unemployment, even at a tiny level, in the participants' countries
Main Idea of the Project
Any leader, any youth worker, anyone that you are going to ask will tell you that if you want to have a successful line in your life and in your work, you need to surround yourself with the right people. You need people that don't come to work just to collect a paycheck, but believe in the mission of the activity or in the mission that you are going to build together and strive to make a difference. Having the right people around you can turn your startup into a thriving action, life, or anything that you are going to implement. In addition, it is also important to build people up and develop them through one-on-one coaching. Providing coaching skills for leaders will help them successfully guide and develop their teams' skills. We've compiled a list of eight essential coaching skills that help leaders take coaching to the next level and we are going to get them through these essential coaching skills for self-improvement of their selves so to be able to have a successful career and a successful life according to their needs.
Aims of the project
Following are the main aims of the Training that we are organizing which will have impact on youth workers and will be transferred in their organizations and young people through future projects. Through this training we aim to emphasize on the following subjects:
- Define their goals and Needs: We have to Clearly identify a problem or need with all the teams that will be created in the seminar according to their needs. Clarifying all the members of their needs are coming up to the common needs and expectations will allow them to create a positive environment for growth. This also creates a transparent line of communication, allowing all of them to openly express concerns, questions and other topics surrounding their responsibilities. Communicating clear expectations and needs produce more accurate results.
· Establish Impact/Initiate a plan: We are going to show through the designed activities to the participants their direct actions are affecting/impacting their goals, the success of those around them, or the overall success of their plan. Also, we are going to make sure that they understand their part in the strategic vision of their team aand the importance of contributing their "puzzle piece" to the big picture.
- Building Habits: They have to understand that getting a commitment is necessary for achieving their goals in a team work plan, so getting a commitment from the participants that they are going to implement their idea at least to seminars purposes will give them the ability to understand what that means ans trying as a skill to getting a commitment first by themselves and after by their group by their team so to achieve their personal or team working goals. The participants will feel an increased sense of accountability and attention to detail as they complete the project.
- Being Supportive: we are going to be supportive of the participants of the training in all activities so to understand that when you're supportive of them you can develop a relationship of trust. Trust is vital for growth and development for both the mentor and the mentee and lays the foundation for mutual respect between both parties. Genuine encouragement helps members of the team to recognize that their investment in their success is real.
- Identifying emotions of self and of others, reading people and body language: The first step to coaching and self-improvement is being able to identify what each participant feels. Having the ability to describe their emotions and understand body language is crucial since this goal will be the basis for the subsequent goals: interpersonal effectiveness and confronting excuses. Put more clearly, the participants first need to know how they feel about a situation so that they can either confront other people, take action, change the situation and if the situation can't be changed, change their attitude towards it. This is extremely important if we consider that in communication 30% of the message is transferred through the voice of the communicator (volume, pitch, speed, tension), 40% from facial expressions, 20% movements and body language and only 10% -from the words actually said.
- Interpersonal Effectiveness: The participants will learn how to be effective with other people. This activity will build on the be supportive activity. We will go through how to be effective in asserting your rights and wishes, while acting in a way that keeps positive relationships making sure that the participants and the person they have in front of them feel good about themselves. They will be taught how to achieve all these while maintaining self respect and mending relationships wherever needed and also troubleshoot problems when their methods are not working.
- Confront Excuses/ Resistance: Even if there is good will for self-improvement our thoughts can get the best of us. We are going to deal with excuses and resistance to the goals/needs the participants have set up front and help the participants to the training to make necessary preparations for challenging or unpleasant parts/thoughts of their plan. By doing that we are going to learn them how to eliminate potential roadblocks down the road.
Timetable of the project
October 2020
Starting of the program - first communication with the partners
November 2020
Webinar for the aims and the whole procedure for partners organisations
November - December 2020
Selection of the participants that will participate in the training in June 2021
Signing contracts with participants of the training and the organizations
January 2021
Creation of Web Page
Webinar for the aims and the whole procedure for participants in the program
February 2021
Create a group in Facebook with all the representatives of the participating organizations in the project for an easier exchange of ideas or questions about the program and for better communication, through sharing thoughts and actions.
Μarch - June Covid Pandemic
July 2021
Do a research to identify coaching methods and good coachers in each partner country (to define coachers with abilities in their places and to find their techniques of doing what they have done, life skills from coaching, etc).
August 2021
Do a research to identify coaching issues in each partner country (coaching is a way of life, certain examples from their daily life in their countries).
September - October 2021
Create a Web Page based on the project. The page will be created by the group from Cyprus and there all the information and material developed through the project will be published.
October 2021
Training Course (8 days excluding travelling dates, 10 days with traveling days) in Cyprus. From 22 to 31 of October 2021
November 2021
Article preparation from groups by each country ,writing about their work and what they have done during the whole program (from December 2020 till end of July 2021). Articles will be published to our webpage
November 2021
Evaluation of the program from organizations
Final modification of our web page.
November - December 2021
Dissemination of results. All organisations will need to come in contact with their local area so all results of our project to be published and disseminated to a lot of people
December 2021
An electronic book with all results of the project is going to published in our webpage.
Create a
video about the whole project. The video will be prepared by the group
from Cyprus.
Project Name: Self-Improvement and Coaching as a life skill (SICALS)
Duration: November 2020 - December 2021
Training Course: 22 of October - 31 of October 2021
Activity: Training at Cyprus of 27 youth workers (3 youth workers from each organization) in Self-Improvement and Coaching with Non Formal Educational Activities.
Accomodation: Pissouriana Apartments, Pissouri, Limassol, Cyprus.
Applicant Organisation: Active Cypriot Programs and European Learning Into Acceptance, ACPELIA, email:
Coordinator: Nikolas Nikolaou email:
Trainers: Maria Filaktou, Erma Georgiou, Albino Pereira: